Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bug wars and beyond

One of the challenges of a greenhouse is the aphids; they love the warm, humid environment.  But, they are in big trouble now that the ladies in red have arrived.

I have some new blooms this year.............

I've never seen the flower of the Jade Plant.  They're quite delicate and airy.  I've had the Bird of Paradise for several years; it finally decided to bloom.  I just learned that the Bird of Paradise is a member of the banana family

The Gerbera Daisies and Geraniums are just as anxious for spring as I am....

The Zantedeshchia, commonly called Calla Lily, is not really a lily at all.  It is in the Arum family and originates from South Africa......

A little linseed oil brings out the color of the cedar boxes, soon to be mini herb gardens....

Much of the happiness we work to achieve is actually found in the work itself.  The anticipation of things to come is a pleasure of its own, if we have the wisdom to recognize it.


  1. These pictures make me happy (and a little homesick). The Bird of Paradise is spectacular!

    I've probably never told you how much I love your ability to grow beautiful things. I never pass by an opportunity to brag about you. Love you!

  2. So beautiful and impressive what you're doing. Thanks for sharing. Glad to learn about the Calla Lily which I love.
    Patrese Burke

  3. I can't wait for spring! I love your pictures, and your wisdom.
