Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Season within a Season

December 15, 2012:  Eight inches of snow creates winter beauty; perfect for this time of year

Our Phoenix kids arrived here yesterday; just in time for some fun...

While the kids play outside, I like to play inside, my own season within a season...

The Angel Trumpet is quite fragrent.  In combination with the Heliotrope they make the greenhouse smell nice.  The Pomegranate has a small, interesting flower.

The Impatiens have not stopped blooming since I brought them in and the Gerbera Daisies are getting their second wind.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall is in the air

Summer is giving way to Fall, it's a great time of year.  As you may have guessed, I love gladiolus...

The Tuberose is one of the most fragrant flowers I've ever come across.  It is a fall bloomer that is worth waiting for.  At times its scent fills the entire yard...

Sunflowers are rather ordinary, but they do have a certain charm...

Hibiscus and Sedum add great color for the Fall...

Impatiens and Coleus are especially vibrant in early Fall...

When the nights are cooler and longer the Rasperries are at their best.  The Fall Gold are especially sweet and juicy...

Crocus flowers are among the very first to announce the Spring.  Colchicum or Fall Crocus pop to announce the Autumn season...

I'm not the only one that loves Gladiolus.  Hummingbirds can't resist them.  I've had them feeding on the bouquets I was still holding.  They are fun to watch...

What a wonderful world and beautiful time of year.

Monday, August 13, 2012

There is a hint of fall in the air

When the gladiolus begin to bloom, fall is just around the corner.  Many flowers are beginning to fade now, but for some, they are at thier peak.

I love the Elephant Ears and the Fountain Grass has done well; I started the grass from seed...

I love Sweet Potato Vine; I have it all over the yard...

The grandkids love to play in the stream....

Elaphant Ear is a Caldium;  I really like these smaller varieties.  I wondered if they were going to grow, but they look pretty good now...

I've had fun with Coleus this year...

My favorite tree in the yard is the Mimosa; humming birds like it too.  It's not hard to see how it came to be called Silk Tree...

The yard is a favorite place for us to just relax...

One of my favorite flowers is this purple Basil.  It smells great and is just as eatible as green basil...

God has given us the miracles of his creations.  There is a lot of joy in working with the gifts he so freely gives us.  I feel his influence when I immerse myself in the beauties of life.